
This section discusses no_std concurrency as usually found on microcontrollers, and memory safe patterns for sharing memory with / between interrupt handlers. The focus of this text is on uses of unsafe code that are memory safety rather than building safe abstractions.

NOTE: Unlike other chapters, this text has been written assuming that the reader is not familiar with the interrupt mechanism commonly found in microcontrollers. The motivation is making this text accessible to more people who then can audit our unsafe code.


In bare metal systems, systems without an OS (operating system), usually the only form of concurrency available are hardware interrupts. An interrupt is a preemption mechanism that works as follows: when an interrupt signal arrives the processor suspends the execution of the current subroutine, (maybe) saves some registers (the current state of the program) to the stack and then jumps to another subroutine called the interrupt handler. When the processor returns from the interrupt handler, it restores the registers that it previously saved on the stack (if any) and then resumes the subroutine that was interrupted. (If you are familiar with POSIX signal handling, the semantics are pretty much the same)

Interrupt signals usually come from peripherals and are fired asynchronously. Some examples of interrupt signals are: a counter reaching zero, an input pin changing its electrical / logical state, and the arrival of a new byte of data. In some multi-core devices a core can send an interrupt signal to a different core.

How the processor locates the right interrupt handler to execute depends on the architecture. In the ARM Cortex-M architecture, there's one handler per interrupt signal and there's a table somewhere in memory that holds function pointers to all interrupt handlers. Each interrupt is given an index in this table. For example, a timer interrupt could be interrupt #0 and an input pin interrupt could be interrupt #1. If we were to depict this as Rust code it would look as follows:

// `link_section` places this in some known memory location #[link_section = ".interrupt_table"] static INTERRUPT_TABLE: [extern "C" fn(); 32] = [ // entry 0: timer 0 on_timer0_interrupt, // entry 1: pin 0 on_pin0_interrupt, // .. 30 more entries .. ]; // provided by the application author extern "C" fn on_timer0_interrupt() { // .. } extern "C" fn on_pin0_interrupt() { // .. }

In another common interrupt model all interrupts signals map to the same interrupt handler (subroutine) and there's a hardware register that the software has to read when it enters the handler to figure out which interrupt signal triggered the interrupt. In this text, we'll focus on the ARM Cortex-M architecture which follows the one handler per interrupt signal model.

Interrupt handling API

The most basic interrupt handling API lets the programmer statically register a function for each interrupt handler only once. On top of this basic API it's possible to implement APIs to dynamically register closures as interrupt handlers. In this text we'll focus on the former, simpler API.

To illustrate this kind of API let's look at the cortex-m-rt crate (v0.6.7). It provides two attributes to statically register interrupts: #[exception] and #[interrupt]. The former is for device agnostic interrupts, whose number and names are the same for all Cortex-M devices; the latter is for device specific interrupts, whose number and names vary per device / vendor. We'll stick to the device agnostic interrupts ("exceptions") in our examples.

The following example showcases the system timer (SysTick) interrupt, which fires periodically. The interrupt is handled using the SysTick handler (function), which prints a dot to the console.

NOTE: The code for the following example and all other examples can be found in the ci/concurrency directory at the root of this repository.

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::{asm, peripheral::syst::SystClkSource, Peripherals}; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; use cortex_m_semihosting::hprint; // program entry point #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let mut syst = Peripherals::take().unwrap().SYST; // configures the system timer to trigger a SysTick interrupt every second syst.set_clock_source(SystClkSource::Core); syst.set_reload(12_000_000); // period = 1s syst.enable_counter(); syst.enable_interrupt(); loop { asm::nop(); } } // interrupt handler // NOTE: the function name must match the name of the interrupt #[exception] fn SysTick() { hprint!(".").unwrap(); }

If you are not familiar with embedded / Cortex-M programs the most important thing to point note here is that the function marked with the entry attribute is the entry point of the user program. When the device (re)boots (e.g. it's first powered) the "runtime" (the cortex-m-rt crate) initializes static variables (the content of RAM is random on power on) and then calls the user program entry point. As the user program is the only process running it is not allowed to end / exit; this is enforced in the signature of the entry function: fn() -> ! -- a divergent function can't return.

You can run this example on an x86 machine using QEMU. Make sure you have qemu-system-arm installed and run the following command

$ cargo run --example systick (..) Running `qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -machine lm3s6965evb -nographic -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native -kernel target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/examples/systick` .................

static variables: what is safe and what's not

As interrupt handlers have their own (call) stack they can't refer to (access) local variables in main or in functions called by main. The only way main and an interrupt handler can share state is through static variables, which have statically known addresses.

To really drive this point I find it useful to visualize the call stack of the program in the presence of interrupts. Consider the following example:

#[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { { let x = 42; foo(); } { let w = 66; bar(); } } } fn foo() { let y = 24; // .. } fn bar() { let z = 33; // .. foo(); // .. } #[exception] fn SysTick() { // can't access `x` or `y` because their addresses are not statically known }

If we take snapshots of the call stack every time the SysTick interrupt handler is called we'll observe something like this:

+---------+ | SysTick | | | +---------+ +---------+ +#########+ | SysTick | | SysTick | | foo | | | | | | y = 24 | +#########+ +#########+ +---------+ | foo | | bar | | bar | | y = 24 | | z = 33 | | z = 33 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ | main | | main | | main | | x = 42 | | w = 66 | | w = 66 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ t = 1ms t = 2ms t = 3ms

From the call stack SysTick looks like a normal function since it's contiguous in memory to main and the functions called from it. However, that's not the case: SysTick is invoked asynchronously. At time t = 1ms SysTick could, in theory, access y since it's in the previous stack frame; however, at time t = 2ms y doesn't exist; and at time t = 3ms y exists but has a different location in memory (address).

I hope that explains why SysTick can't safely access the stack frames that belong to main.

Let's now go over all the unsafe and safe ways in which main and interrupt handlers can share state (memory). We'll start assuming the program will run on a single core device, then we'll revisit our safe patterns in the context of a multi-core device.

static mut

Unsynchronized access to static mut variables is undefined behavior (UB). The compiler will mis-optimize all those accesses.

Consider the following unsound program:

//! THIS PROGRAM IS UNSOUND! // source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; static mut X: u32 = 0; #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // omitted: configuring and enabling the `SysTick` interrupt let x: &mut u32 = unsafe { &mut X }; loop { *x = 0; // <~ preemption could occur here and change the value behind `x` if *x != 0 { // the compiler may optimize away this branch panic!(); } else { asm::nop(); } } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { unsafe { X = 1; asm::nop(); } }

This program compiles: both main and SysTick can refer to the static variable X, which has a known, fixed location in memory. However, the program is mis-optimized to the following machine code:

00000400 <main>: 400: bf00 nop 402: e7fd b.n 400 <main> 00000404 <SysTick>: 404: bf00 nop 406: 4770 bx lr

As you can see all accesses to X were optimized away changing the intended semantics.


Using volatile operations to access static mut variables does not prevent UB. Volatile operations will prevent the compiler from mis-optimizing accesses to the variables but they don't help with torn reads and writes which lead to UB.

//! THIS PROGRAM IS UNSOUND! // source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use core::ptr; use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; #[repr(u64)] enum Enum { A = 0x0000_0000_ffff_ffff, B = 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000, } static mut X: Enum = Enum::A; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // omitted: configuring and enabling the `SysTick` interrupt loop { // this write operation is not atomic: it's performed in two moves unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(&mut X, Enum::A) } // <~ preemption unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(&mut X, Enum::B) } } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { unsafe { // here we may observe `X` having the value `0x0000_0000_0000_0000` // or `0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff` which are not valid `Enum` variants match X { Enum::A => asm::nop(), Enum::B => asm::bkpt(), } } }

In this program the interrupt handler could preempt the 2-step write operation that changes X from variant A to variant B (or vice versa) mid way. If that happens the handler could observe X having the value 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 or 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff, neither of which are valid values for the enum.

Let me say that again: Relying only on volatile operations for memory safety is likely wrong. The only semantics that volatile operations provide are: "tell the compiler to not remove this operation, or merge it with another operation" and "tell the compiler to not reorder this operation with respect to other volatile operations"; neither is directly related to synchronized access to memory.


Accessing atomics stored in static variables is memory safe. If you are building abstractions like channels on top of them (which likely will require unsafe code to access some shared buffer) make sure you use the right Ordering or your abstraction will be unsound.

Here's an example of using a static variable for synchronization (a delay in this case).

NOTE: not all embedded targets have atomic CAS instructions in their ISA. MSP430 and ARMv6-M are prime examples. API like AtomicUsize.fetch_add is not available in core for those targets.

static X: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // omitted: configuring and enabling the `SysTick` interrupt // wait until `SysTick` returns before starting the main logic while !X.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {} loop { // main logic } } #[exception] fn SysTick() {, Ordering::Relaxed); }

State and re-entrancy

A common pattern in embedded C is to use a static variable to preserve state between invocations of an interrupt handler.

void handler() { static int counter = 0; counter += 1; // .. }

This makes the function non-reentrant, meaning that calling this function from itself, from main or an interrupt handler is UB (it breaks mutable aliasing rules).

We can make this C pattern safe in Rust if we make the non-reentrant function unsafe to call or impossible to call. cortex-m-rt v0.5.x supports this pattern and uses the latter approach to prevent calling non-reentrant functions from safe code.

Consider this example:

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { // SysTick(); //~ ERROR: cannot find function `SysTick` in this scope asm::nop(); } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; // user code *COUNTER += 1; // SysTick(); //~ ERROR: cannot find function `SysTick` in this scope }

The #[exception] attribute performs the following source-level transformation:

#[link_name = "SysTick"] // places this function in the vector table fn randomly_generated_identifier() { let COUNTER: &mut u64 = unsafe { static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; &mut COUNTER }; // user code *COUNTER += 1; // .. }

Placing the static mut variable inside a block makes it impossible to create more references to it from user code.

This transformation ensures that the software can't call the interrupt handler from safe code, but could the hardware invoke the interrupt handler in a way that breaks memory safety? The answer is: it depends, on the target architecture.

In the ARM Cortex-M architecture once an instance of an interrupt handler starts another one won't start until the first one ends (if the same interrupt signal arrives again it is withheld). On the other hand, in the ARM Cortex-R architecture there's a single handler for all interrupts; receiving two different interrupt signals can cause the handler (function) to be invoked twice and that would break the memory safety of the source level transformation we presented above.

Critical sections

When it's necessary to share state between main and an interrupt handler a critical section can be used to synchronize access. The simplest critical section implementation consists of temporarily disabling all interrupts while main accesses the shared static variable. Example below:

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::interrupt; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { // `SysTick` can preempt `main` at this point // start of critical section: disable interrupts interrupt::disable(); // = `asm!("CPSID I" : : : "memory" : "volatile")` // ^^^^^^^^ // `SysTick` can not preempt this block { let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; } // end of critical section: re-enable interrupts unsafe { interrupt::enable() } //^= `asm!("CPSIE I" : : : "memory" : "volatile")` // ^^^^^^^^ // `SysTick` can start at this point } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; }

Note the use of the "memory" clobber; this acts as a compiler barrier that prevents the compiler from reordering the operation on COUNTER to outside the critical section. It's also important to not access COUNTER in main outside a critical section; thus references to COUNTER should not escape the critical section. With these two restrictions in place, the mutable reference to COUNTER created in SysTick is guaranteed to be unique for the whole execution of the handler.

Disabling all the interrupt is not the only way to create a critical section; other ways include masking interrupts (disabling one or a subset of all interrupts) and increasing the running priority (see next section).

Masking interrupts to create a critical section deserves an example because it doesn't use inline asm! and thus requires explicit compiler barriers (atomic::compiler_fence) for memory safety.

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use core::sync::atomic::{self, Ordering}; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let mut syst = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap().SYST; // omitted: configuring and enabling the `SysTick` interrupt loop { // `SysTick` can preempt `main` at this point // start of critical section: disable the `SysTick` interrupt syst.disable_interrupt(); // ^ this method is implemented as shown in the comment below // // ``` // let csr = ptr::read_volatile(0xE000_E010);` // ptr::write_volatile(0xE000_E010, csr & !(1 << 1)); // ``` // a compiler barrier equivalent to the "memory" clobber atomic::compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // `SysTick` can not preempt this block { let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; } atomic::compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // end of critical section: re-enable the `SysTick` interrupt syst.enable_interrupt(); // ^ this method is implemented as shown in the comment below // // ``` // let csr = ptr::read_volatile(0xE000_E010);` // ptr::write_volatile(0xE000_E010, csr | (1 << 1)); // ``` // `SysTick` can start at this point } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; }

The code is very similar to the one that disabled all interrupts except for the start and end of the critical section, which now include a compiler_fence (compiler barrier).


Architectures like ARM Cortex-M allow interrupt prioritization, meaning that an interrupt that's given high priority can preempt a lower priority interrupt handler. Priorities must be considered when sharing state between interrupt handlers.

When two interrupt handlers, say A and B, have the same priority no preemption can occur. Meaning that when signals for both interrupts arrive around the same time then the handlers will be executed sequentially: that is first A and then B, or vice versa. In this scenario, both handlers can access the same static mut variable without using a critical section; each handler will "take turns" at getting exclusive access (&mut-) to the static variable. Example below.

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; // priority = 0 (lowest) #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // omitted: enabling interrupts and setting their priorities loop { asm::nop(); } } static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; // priority = 1 #[exception] fn SysTick() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; } // priority = 1 #[exception] fn SVCall() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter *= 2; }

When two interrupt handlers have different priorities then one can preempt the other. Safely sharing state between these two interrupts requires a critical section in the lower priority handler -- just like in the case of main and an interrupt handler. However, one more constraint is required: the priority of the interrupts must remain fixed at runtime; reversing the priorities at runtime, for example, would result in a data race.

The following example showcases safe state sharing between two interrupt handlers using a priority-based critical section.

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use cortex_m::{asm, register::basepri}; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; // priority = 0 (lowest) #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // omitted: enabling interrupts and setting up their priorities loop { asm::nop(); } } static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; // priority = 2 #[exception] fn SysTick() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; } // priority = 1 #[exception] fn SVCall() { // `SysTick` can preempt `SVCall` at this point // start of critical section: raise the running priority to 2 raise(2); // `SysTick` can *not* preempt this block because it has a priority of 2 (equal) // `PendSV` *can* preempt this block because it has a priority of 3 (higher) { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter *= 2; } // start of critical section: lower the running priority to its original value unsafe { lower() } // `SysTick` can preempt `SVCall` again } // priority = 3 #[exception] fn PendSV() { // .. does not access `COUNTER` .. } fn raise(priority: u8) { const PRIO_BITS: u8 = 3; // (priority is encoded in hardware in the higher order bits of a byte) // (also in this encoding a bigger number means lower priority) let p = ((1 << PRIO_BITS) - priority) << (8 - PRIO_BITS); unsafe { basepri::write(p) } //^= `asm!("MSR BASEPRI, $0" : "=r"(p) : : "memory" : "volatile")` // ^^^^^^^^ } unsafe fn lower() { basepri::write(0) }

Runtime initialization

A common need in embedded Rust programs is moving, at runtime, a value from main into an interrupt handler. This can be accomplished at zero cost by enforcing sequential access to static mut variables.

// source: examples/ #![feature(maybe_uninit)] #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use core::mem::MaybeUninit; use cortex_m::{asm, interrupt}; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; struct Thing { _state: (), } impl Thing { // NOTE the constructor is not `const` fn new() -> Self { Thing { _state: () } } fn do_stuff(&mut self) { // .. } } // uninitialized static variable static mut THING: MaybeUninit<Thing> = MaybeUninit::uninitialized(); #[entry] fn main() -> ! { // # Initialization phase // done as soon as the device boots interrupt::disable(); // critical section that can't be preempted by any interrupt { // initialize the static variable at runtime unsafe { THING.set(Thing::new()) }; // omitted: configuring and enabling the `SysTick` interrupt } // reminder: this is a compiler barrier unsafe { interrupt::enable() } // # main loop // `SysTick` can preempt `main` at this point loop { asm::nop(); } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { // this handler always observes the variable as initialized let thing: &mut Thing = unsafe { &mut *THING.as_mut_ptr() }; thing.do_stuff(); }

In this pattern is important to disable interrupts before yielding control to the user program and enforcing that the end user initializes all the uninitialized static variables before interrupts are re-enabled. Failure to do so would result in interrupt handlers observing uninitialized static variables.

Redefining Send and Sync

The core / standard library defines these two marker traits as:

Sync: types for which it is safe to share references between threads.

Send: types that can be transferred across thread boundaries

Threads are an OS abstraction so they don't exist "out of the box" in bare metal context, though they can be implemented on top of interrupts. We'll broaden the definition of these two marker traits to include bare metal code:

  • Sync: types for which it is safe to share references between execution contexts.

  • Send: types that can be transferred between execution contexts.

An interrupt handler is an execution context independent of the main function, which can be seen as the "bottom" execution context. An OS thread is also an execution context. Each execution context has its own (call) stack and operates independently of other execution contexts though they can share state.

Broadening the definitions of these marker traits does not change the rules around static variables. They must still hold values that implement the Sync trait. Atomics implement Sync so they are valid to place in static variables in bare metal context.

Let's now revisit the safe patterns we described before and see where the Sync and Send bounds need to be enforced for safety.


#[exception] fn SysTick() { static mut X: Type = Type::new(); }

Does Type need to satisfy Sync or Send? X is effectively owned by the SysTick interrupt and not shared with any other execution context so neither bound is required for this pattern.

Critical section

We can abstract the "disable all interrupts" critical section pattern into a Mutex type.

// source: examples/ #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_halt; use core::cell::{RefCell, UnsafeCell}; use bare_metal::CriticalSection; use cortex_m::interrupt; use cortex_m_rt::{entry, exception}; struct Mutex<T>(UnsafeCell<T>); // TODO does T require a Sync / Send bound? unsafe impl<T> Sync for Mutex<T> {} impl<T> Mutex<T> { const fn new(value: T) -> Mutex<T> { Mutex(UnsafeCell::new(value)) } // NOTE: the `'cs` constraint prevents the returned reference from outliving // the `CriticalSection` token fn borrow<'cs>(&self, _cs: &'cs CriticalSection) -> &'cs T { unsafe { &*self.0.get() } } } static COUNTER: Mutex<RefCell<u64>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(0)); #[inline(never)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { // `interrupt::free` runs the closure in a critical section (interrupts disabled) interrupt::free(|cs: &CriticalSection| { let counter: &RefCell<u64> = COUNTER.borrow(cs); *counter.borrow_mut() += 1; // &*counter.borrow() //~ ERROR: this reference cannot outlive the closure }); } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { interrupt::free(|cs| { let counter = COUNTER.borrow(cs); *counter.borrow_mut() *= 2; }); }

Here we use a CriticalSection token to prevent references escaping the critical section / closure (see the lifetime constraints in Mutex.borrow).

It's important to note that a Mutex.borrow_mut method with no additional runtime checks would be unsound as it would let the end user break Rust aliasing rules:

#[exception] fn SysTick() { interrupt::free(|cs| { // both `counter` and `alias` refer to the same memory location let counter: &mut u64 = COUNTER.borrow_mut(cs); let alias: &mut u64 = COUNTER.borrow_mut(cs); }); }

Changing the signature of borrow_mut to fn<'cs>(&self, &'cs mut CriticalSection) -> &'cs mut T does not help because it's possible to nest calls to interrupt::free.

#[exception] fn SysTick() { interrupt::free(|cs: &mut CriticalSection| { let counter: &mut u64 = COUNTER.borrow_mut(cs); // let alias: &mut u64 = COUNTER.borrow_mut(cs); //~^ ERROR: `cs` already mutably borrowed interrupt::free(|cs2: &mut CriticalSection| { // this breaks aliasing rules let alias: &mut u64 = COUNTER.borrow_mut(cs2); }); }); }

As for the bounds required on the value of type T protected by the Mutex: T must implement the Send trait because a Mutex can be used as a channel to move values from main to an interrupt handler. See below:

struct Thing { _state: (), } static CHANNEL: Mutex<RefCell<Option<Thing>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None)); #[entry] fn main() -> ! { interrupt::free(|cs| { let channel = CHANNEL.borrow(cs); *channel.borrow_mut() = Some(Thing::new()); }); loop { asm::nop(); } } #[exception] fn SysTick() { interrupt::free(|cs| { let channel = CHANNEL.borrow(cs); let maybe_thing = channel.borrow_mut().take(); if let Some(thing) = mabye_thing { // `thing` has been moved into the interrupt handler } }); }

So the Sync implementation must look like this:

unsafe impl<T> Sync for Mutex<T> where T: Send {}

This constraint applies to all types of critical sections.

Runtime initialization

For the pattern of moving values from main to an interrupt handler this is clearly a "send" operation so the moved value must implement the Send trait. We won't give an example of an abstraction for that pattern in this text but any such abstraction must enforce at compile time that values to be moved implement the Send trait.


So far we have discussed single core devices. Let's see how having multiple cores affects the memory safety of the abstractions and patterns we have covered.

Mutex: !Sync

The Mutex abstraction we created and that disables interrupts to create a critical section is unsound in multi-core context. The reason is that the critical section doesn't prevent other cores from making progress so if more than one core gets a reference to the data behind the Mutex all accesses become data races.

Here an example where we assume a dual-core device and a framework that lets you write bare-metal multi-core in a single source file.

// THIS PROGRAM IS UNSOUND! // single memory location visible to both cores static COUNTER: Mutex<Cell<u64>> = Mutex::new(Cell::new(0)); // runs on the first core #[core(0)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { interrupt::free(|cs| { let counter = COUNTER.borrow(cs); counter.set(counter.get() + 1); }); } } // runs on the second core #[core(1)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { interrupt::free(|cs| { let counter = COUNTER.borrow(cs); counter.set(counter.get() * 2); }); } }

Here each core accesses the COUNTER variable in their main context in an unsynchronized manner; this is undefined behavior.

The problem with Mutex is not the critical section that uses; it's the fact that it can be stored in a static variable making accessible to all cores. Thus in multi-core context the Mutex abstraction should not implement the Sync trait.

Critical sections based on interrupt masking can be used safely on architectures / devices where it's possible to assign a single core to an interrupt and any core can mask that interrupt, provided that scoping is enforced somehow. Here's an example:

static mut COUNTER: u64 = 0; // runs on the first core // priority = 2 #[core(0)] #[exception] fn SysTick() { // exclusive access to `COUNTER` let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counte += 1; } // initialized in the second core's `main` function using the runtime // initialization pattern static mut SYST: MaybeUninit<SYST> = MaybeUninit::ununitialized(); // runs on the second core // priority = 1 #[core(1)] #[exception] fn SVCall() { // `SYST` is owned by this core / interrupt let syst = unsafe { &mut *SYST.as_mut_ptr() }; // start of critical section: disable the `SysTick` interrupt syst.disable_interrupt(); atomic::compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // `SysTick` can not preempt this block { let counter: &mut u64 = unsafe { &mut COUNTER }; *counter += 1; } atomic::compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst); // end of critical section: re-enable the `SysTick` interrupt syst.enable_interrupt(); }


Atomics are safe to use in multi-core context provided that memory barrier instructions are inserted where appropriate. If you are using the correct Ordering then the compiler will insert the required barriers for you. Critical sections based on atomics, AKA spinlocks, are memory safe to use on multi-core devices though they can deadlock.

// spin = "0.5.0" use spin::Mutex; static COUNTER: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0); // runs on the first core #[core(0)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { *COUNTER.lock() += 1; } } // runs on the second core #[core(1)] #[entry] fn main() -> ! { loop { *COUNTER.lock() *= 2; } }


The stateful interrupt handler pattern remains safe if and only if the target architecture / device supports assigning a handler to a single core and the program has been configured to not share stateful interrupts between cores -- that is cores should not execute the exact same handler when the corresponding signal arrives.

Runtime initialization

As the runtime initialization pattern is used to initialize the "state" of interrupt handlers so all the additional constraints required for multi-core memory safety of the State pattern are also required here.