Memory layout
The next step is to ensure the program has the right memory layout so that the target system will be able to execute it. In our example, we'll be working with a virtual Cortex-M3 microcontroller: the LM3S6965. Our program will be the only process running on the device so it must also take care of initializing the device.
Background information
Cortex-M devices require a vector table to be present at the start of their code memory region. The vector table is an array of pointers; the first two pointers are required to boot the device; the rest of pointers are related to exceptions -- we'll ignore them for now.
Linkers decide the final memory layout of programs, but we can use linker scripts to have some control over it. The control granularity that linker scripts give us over the layout is at the level of sections. A section is a collection of symbols laid out in contiguous memory. Symbols, in turn, can be data (a static variable), or instructions (a Rust function).
Every symbol has a name assigned by the compiler. As of Rust 1.28 , the Rust compiler assigns to
symbols names of the form: _ZN5krate6module8function17he1dfc17c86fe16daE
, which demangles to
where krate::module::function
is the path of the
function or variable and he1dfc17c86fe16da
is some sort of hash. The Rust compiler will place each
symbol into its own and unique section; for example the symbol mentioned before will be placed in a
section named .text._ZN5krate6module8function17he1dfc17c86fe16daE
These compiler generated symbol and section names are not guaranteed to remain constant across different releases of the Rust compiler. However, the language lets us control symbol names and section placement via these attributes:
#[export_name = "foo"]
sets the symbol name tofoo
means: use the function or variable name (not its full path) as its symbol name.#[no_mangle] fn bar()
will produce a symbol namedbar
.#[link_section = ".bar"]
places the symbol in a section
With these attributes, we can expose a stable ABI of the program and use it in the linker script.
The Rust side
Like mentioned before, for Cortex-M devices, we need to populate the first two entries of the vector table. The first one, the initial value for the stack pointer, can be populated using only the linker script. The second one, the reset vector, needs to be created in Rust code and placed correctly using the linker script.
The reset vector is a pointer into the reset handler. The reset handler is the function that the
device will execute after a system reset, or after it powers up for the first time. The reset
handler is always the first stack frame in the hardware call stack; returning from it is undefined
behavior as there's no other stack frame to return to. We can enforce that the reset handler never
returns by making it a divergent function, which is a function with signature fn(/* .. */) -> !
fn main() {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
let _x = 42;
// can't return so we go into an infinite loop here
loop {}
// The reset vector, a pointer into the reset handler
#[link_section = ".vector_table.reset_vector"]
pub static RESET_VECTOR: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> ! = Reset;
The hardware expects a certain format here, to which we adhere by using extern "C"
to tell the
compiler to lower the function using the C ABI, instead of the Rust ABI, which is unstable.
To refer to the reset handler and reset vector from the linker script, we need them to have a stable
symbol name so we use #[no_mangle]
. We need fine control over the location of RESET_VECTOR
, so we
place it in a known section, .vector_table.reset_vector
. The exact location of the reset handler
itself, Reset
, is not important. We just stick to the default compiler generated section.
Also, the linker will ignore symbols with internal linkage, AKA internal symbols, while traversing
the list of input object files, so we need our two symbols to have external linkage. The only way to
make a symbol external in Rust is to make its corresponding item public (pub
) and reachable (no
private module between the item and the root of the crate).
The linker script side
Below is shown a minimal linker script that places the vector table in the right location. Let's walk through it.
$ cat link.x
/* Memory layout of the LM3S6965 microcontroller */
/* 1K = 1 KiBi = 1024 bytes */
FLASH : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 256K
RAM : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K
/* The entry point is the reset handler */
.vector_table ORIGIN(FLASH) :
/* First entry: initial Stack Pointer value */
/* Second entry: reset vector */
.text :
*(.text .text.*);
This section of the linker script describes the location and size of blocks of memory in the target.
Two memory blocks are defined: FLASH
and RAM
; they correspond to the physical memory available
in the target. The values used here correspond to the LM3S6965 microcontroller.
Here we indicate to the linker that the reset handler -- whose symbol name is Reset
-- is the
entry point of the program. Linkers aggressively discard unused sections. Linkers consider the
entry point and functions called from it as used so they won't discard them. Without this line,
the linker would discard the Reset
function and all subsequent functions called from it.
Linkers are lazy; they will stop looking into the input object files once they have found all the
symbols that are recursively referenced from the entry point. EXTERN
forces the linker to look
's argument even after all other referenced symbols have been found. As a rule of thumb,
if you need a symbol that's not called from the entry point to always be present in the output binary,
you should use EXTERN
in conjunction with KEEP
This part describes how sections in the input object files, AKA input sections, are to be arranged in the sections of the output object file, AKA output sections; or if they should be discarded. Here we define two output sections:
.vector_table ORIGIN(FLASH) : { /* .. */ } > FLASH
, which contains the vector table and is located at the start of FLASH
.text : { /* .. */ } > FLASH
and .text
, which contains the program subroutines and is located somewhere in FLASH
. Its start
address is not specified, but the linker will place it after the previous output section,
The output .vector_table
section contains:
/* First entry: initial Stack Pointer value */
We'll place the (call) stack at the end of RAM (the stack is full descending; it grows towards
smaller addresses) so the end address of RAM will be used as the initial Stack Pointer (SP) value.
That address is computed in the linker script itself using the information we entered for the RAM
memory block.
/* Second entry: reset vector */
Next, we use KEEP
to force the linker to insert all input sections named
right after the initial SP value. The only symbol located in that
section is RESET_VECTOR
, so this will effectively place RESET_VECTOR
second in the vector table.
The output .text
section contains:
*(.text .text.*);
This includes all the input sections named .text
and .text.*
. Note that we don't use KEEP
here to let the linker discard unused sections.
Finally, we use the special /DISCARD/
section to discard
input sections named .ARM.exidx.*
. These sections are related to exception handling but we are not
doing stack unwinding on panics and they take up space in Flash memory, so we just discard them.
Putting it all together
Now we can link the application. For reference, here's the complete Rust program:
fn main() {
use core::panic::PanicInfo;
// The reset handler
pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
let _x = 42;
// can't return so we go into an infinite loop here
loop {}
// The reset vector, a pointer into the reset handler
#[link_section = ".vector_table.reset_vector"]
pub static RESET_VECTOR: unsafe extern "C" fn() -> ! = Reset;
fn panic(_panic: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
loop {}
We have to tweak linker process to make it use our linker script. This is done
passing the -C link-arg
flag to rustc
but there are two ways to do it: you
can use the cargo-rustc
subcommand instead of cargo-build
as shown below:
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the .cargo/config
file that was added at the
end of the last section before running this command.
$ cargo rustc -- -C link-arg=-Tlink.x
Or you can set the rustflags in .cargo/config
and continue using the
subcommand. We'll do the latter because it better integrates with
# modify .cargo/config so it has these contents
$ cat .cargo/config
rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x"]
target = "thumbv7m-none-eabi"
The [target.thumbv7m-none-eabi]
part says that these flags will only be used
when cross compiling to that target.
Inspecting it
Now let's inspect the output binary to confirm the memory layout looks the way we want:
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -d -no-show-raw-insn
app: file format ELF32-arm-little
Disassembly of section .text:
8: sub sp, #4
a: movs r0, #42
c: str r0, [sp]
e: b #-2 <Reset+0x8>
10: b #-4 <Reset+0x8>
This is the disassembly of the .text
section. We see that the reset handler, named Reset
, is
located at address 0x8
$ cargo objdump --bin app -- -s -section .vector_table
app: file format ELF32-arm-little
Contents of section .vector_table:
0000 00000120 09000000 ... ....
This shows the contents of the .vector_table
section. We can see that the section starts at
address 0x0
and that the first word of the section is 0x2001_0000
(the objdump
output is in
little endian format). This is the initial SP value and matches the end address of RAM. The second
word is 0x9
; this is the thumb mode address of the reset handler. When a function is to be
executed in thumb mode the first bit of its address is set to 1.
Testing it
This program is a valid LM3S6965 program; we can execute it in a virtual microcontroller (QEMU) to test it out.
$ # this program will block
$ qemu-system-arm \
-cpu cortex-m3 \
-machine lm3s6965evb \
-gdb tcp::3333 \
-S \
-nographic \
-kernel target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app
$ # on a different terminal
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb -q target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app
Reading symbols from target/thumbv7m-none-eabi/debug/app...done.
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
Reset () at src/
8 pub unsafe extern "C" fn Reset() -> ! {
(gdb) # the SP has the initial value we programmed in the vector table
(gdb) print/x $sp
$1 = 0x20010000
(gdb) step
9 let _x = 42;
(gdb) step
12 loop {}
(gdb) # next we inspect the stack variable `_x`
(gdb) print _x
$2 = 42
(gdb) print &_x
$3 = (i32 *) 0x2000fffc
(gdb) quit