The app attribute

This is the smallest possible RTFM application:

//! examples/ #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![no_main] #![no_std] // panic-handler crate extern crate panic_semihosting; use rtfm::app; #[app(device = lm3s6965)] const APP: () = { #[init] fn init(_: init::Context) {} };

All RTFM applications use the app attribute (#[app(..)]). This attribute must be applied to a const item that contains items. The app attribute has a mandatory device argument that takes a path as a value. This path must point to a peripheral access crate (PAC) generated using svd2rust v0.14.x. The app attribute will expand into a suitable entry point so it's not required to use the cortex_m_rt::entry attribute.

ASIDE: Some of you may be wondering why we are using a const item as a module and not a proper mod item. The reason is that using attributes on modules requires a feature gate, which requires a nightly toolchain. To make RTFM work on stable we use the const item instead. When more parts of macros 1.2 are stabilized we'll move from a const item to a mod item and eventually to a crate level attribute (#![app]).


Within the pseudo-module the app attribute expects to find an initialization function marked with the init attribute. This function must have signature fn(init::Context) [-> init::LateResources].

This initialization function will be the first part of the application to run. The init function will run with interrupts disabled and has exclusive access to Cortex-M and device specific peripherals through the core and device variables fields of init::Context. Not all Cortex-M peripherals are available in core because the RTFM runtime takes ownership of some of them -- for more details see the rtfm::Peripherals struct.

static mut variables declared at the beginning of init will be transformed into &'static mut references that are safe to access.

The example below shows the types of the core and device variables and showcases safe access to a static mut variable.

//! examples/ #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_semihosting; use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln}; #[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)] const APP: () = { #[init] fn init(c: init::Context) { static mut X: u32 = 0; // Cortex-M peripherals let _core: rtfm::Peripherals = c.core; // Device specific peripherals let _device: lm3s6965::Peripherals = c.device; // Safe access to local `static mut` variable let _x: &'static mut u32 = X; hprintln!("init").unwrap(); debug::exit(debug::EXIT_SUCCESS); } };

Running the example will print init to the console and then exit the QEMU process.

$ cargo run --example init init


A function marked with the idle attribute can optionally appear in the pseudo-module. This function is used as the special idle task and must have signature fn(idle::Context) - > !.

When present, the runtime will execute the idle task after init. Unlike init, idle will run with interrupts enabled and it's not allowed to return so it runs forever.

When no idle function is declared, the runtime sets the SLEEPONEXIT bit and then sends the microcontroller to sleep after running init.

Like in init, static mut variables will be transformed into &'static mut references that are safe to access.

The example below shows that idle runs after init.

//! examples/ #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_semihosting; use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln}; #[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)] const APP: () = { #[init] fn init(_: init::Context) { hprintln!("init").unwrap(); } #[idle] fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! { static mut X: u32 = 0; // Safe access to local `static mut` variable let _x: &'static mut u32 = X; hprintln!("idle").unwrap(); debug::exit(debug::EXIT_SUCCESS); loop {} } };
$ cargo run --example idle init idle

interrupt / exception

Just like you would do with the cortex-m-rt crate you can use the interrupt and exception attributes within the app pseudo-module to declare interrupt and exception handlers. In RTFM, we refer to interrupt and exception handlers as hardware tasks.

//! examples/ #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(warnings)] #![no_main] #![no_std] extern crate panic_semihosting; use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln}; use lm3s6965::Interrupt; #[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)] const APP: () = { #[init] fn init(_: init::Context) { // Pends the UART0 interrupt but its handler won't run until *after* // `init` returns because interrupts are disabled rtfm::pend(Interrupt::UART0); hprintln!("init").unwrap(); } #[idle] fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! { // interrupts are enabled again; the `UART0` handler runs at this point hprintln!("idle").unwrap(); rtfm::pend(Interrupt::UART0); debug::exit(debug::EXIT_SUCCESS); loop {} } #[interrupt] fn UART0(_: UART0::Context) { static mut TIMES: u32 = 0; // Safe access to local `static mut` variable *TIMES += 1; hprintln!( "UART0 called {} time{}", *TIMES, if *TIMES > 1 { "s" } else { "" } ) .unwrap(); } };
$ cargo run --example interrupt init UART0 called 1 time idle UART0 called 2 times

So far all the RTFM applications we have seen look no different that the applications one can write using only the cortex-m-rt crate. In the next section we start introducing features unique to RTFM.