One of the limitations of the attributes provided by the cortex-m-rt
crate is
that sharing data (or peripherals) between interrupts, or between an interrupt
and the entry
function, requires a cortex_m::interrupt::Mutex
, which
always requires disabling all interrupts to access the data. Disabling all
the interrupts is not always required for memory safety but the compiler doesn't
have enough information to optimize the access to the shared data.
The app
attribute has a full view of the application thus it can optimize
access to static
variables. In RTFM we refer to the static
declared inside the app
pseudo-module as resources. To access a resource the
context (init
, idle
, interrupt
or exception
) one must first declare the
resource in the resources
argument of its attribute.
In the example below two interrupt handlers access the same resource. No Mutex
is required in this case because the two handlers run at the same priority and
no preemption is possible. The SHARED
resource can only be accessed by these
two handlers.
fn main() {
//! examples/
extern crate panic_semihosting;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};
use lm3s6965::Interrupt;
#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
// A resource
static mut SHARED: u32 = 0;
fn init(_: init::Context) {
fn idle(_: idle::Context) -> ! {
// error: `SHARED` can't be accessed from this context
// SHARED += 1;
loop {}
// `SHARED` can be access from this context
#[interrupt(resources = [SHARED])]
fn UART0(mut c: UART0::Context) {
*c.resources.SHARED += 1;
hprintln!("UART0: SHARED = {}", c.resources.SHARED).unwrap();
// `SHARED` can be access from this context
#[interrupt(resources = [SHARED])]
fn UART1(mut c: UART1::Context) {
*c.resources.SHARED += 1;
hprintln!("UART1: SHARED = {}", c.resources.SHARED).unwrap();
$ cargo run --example resource
The priority of each handler can be declared in the interrupt
and exception
attributes. It's not possible to set the priority in any other way because the
runtime takes ownership of the NVIC
peripheral thus it's also not possible to
change the priority of a handler / task at runtime. Thanks to this restriction
the framework has knowledge about the static priorities of all interrupt and
exception handlers.
Interrupts and exceptions can have priorities in the range 1..=(1 << NVIC_PRIO_BITS)
is a constant defined in the device
crate. The idle
task has a priority of 0
, the lowest priority.
Resources that are shared between handlers that run at different priorities require critical sections for memory safety. The framework ensures that critical sections are used but only where required: for example, no critical section is required by the highest priority handler that has access to the resource.
The critical section API provided by the RTFM framework (see Mutex
) is
based on dynamic priorities rather than on disabling interrupts. The consequence
is that these critical sections will prevent some handlers, including all the
ones that contend for the resource, from starting but will let higher priority
handlers, that don't contend for the resource, run.
In the example below we have three interrupt handlers with priorities ranging
from one to three. The two handlers with the lower priorities contend for the
resource. The lowest priority handler needs to lock
resource to access its data, whereas the mid priority handler can
directly access its data. The highest priority handler is free to preempt
the critical section created by the lowest priority handler.
fn main() {
//! examples/
extern crate panic_semihosting;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};
use lm3s6965::Interrupt;
#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
static mut SHARED: u32 = 0;
fn init(_: init::Context) {
// when omitted priority is assumed to be `1`
#[interrupt(resources = [SHARED])]
fn GPIOA(mut c: GPIOA::Context) {
// the lower priority task requires a critical section to access the data
c.resources.SHARED.lock(|shared| {
// data can only be modified within this critical section (closure)
*shared += 1;
// GPIOB will *not* run right now due to the critical section
hprintln!("B - SHARED = {}", *shared).unwrap();
// GPIOC does not contend for `SHARED` so it's allowed to run now
// critical section is over: GPIOB can now start
#[interrupt(priority = 2, resources = [SHARED])]
fn GPIOB(mut c: GPIOB::Context) {
// the higher priority task does *not* need a critical section
*c.resources.SHARED += 1;
hprintln!("D - SHARED = {}", *c.resources.SHARED).unwrap();
#[interrupt(priority = 3)]
fn GPIOC(_: GPIOC::Context) {
$ cargo run --example lock
B - SHARED = 1
D - SHARED = 2
One more note about priorities: choosing a priority higher than what the device
supports (that is 1 << NVIC_PRIO_BITS
) will result in a compile error. Due to
limitations in the language the error message is currently far from helpful: it
will say something along the lines of "evaluation of constant value failed" and
the span of the error will not point out to the problematic interrupt value --
we are sorry about this!
Late resources
Unlike normal static
variables, which need to be assigned an initial value
when declared, resources can be initialized at runtime. We refer to these
runtime initialized resources as late resources. Late resources are useful for
moving (as in transferring ownership) peripherals initialized in init
interrupt and exception handlers.
Late resources are declared like normal resources but that are given an initial
value of ()
(the unit value). init
must return the initial values of all
late resources packed in a struct
of type init::LateResources
The example below uses late resources to stablish a lockless, one-way channel
between the UART0
interrupt handler and the idle
function. A single producer
single consumer Queue
is used as the channel. The queue is split into
consumer and producer end points in init
and then each end point is stored
in a different resource; UART0
owns the producer resource and idle
the consumer resource.
fn main() {
//! examples/
extern crate panic_semihosting;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};
use heapless::{
spsc::{Consumer, Producer, Queue},
use lm3s6965::Interrupt;
#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
// Late resources
static mut P: Producer<'static, u32, U4> = ();
static mut C: Consumer<'static, u32, U4> = ();
fn init(_: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
// NOTE: we use `Option` here to work around the lack of
// a stable `const` constructor
static mut Q: Option<Queue<u32, U4>> = None;
*Q = Some(Queue::new());
let (p, c) = Q.as_mut().unwrap().split();
// Initialization of late resources
init::LateResources { P: p, C: c }
#[idle(resources = [C])]
fn idle(c: idle::Context) -> ! {
loop {
if let Some(byte) = c.resources.C.dequeue() {
hprintln!("received message: {}", byte).unwrap();
} else {
#[interrupt(resources = [P])]
fn UART0(c: UART0::Context) {
$ cargo run --example late
received message: 42
variables can also be used as resources. Tasks can only get &
(shared) references to these resources but locks are never required to access
their data. You can think of static
resources as plain static
variables that
can be initialized at runtime and have better scoping rules: you can control
which tasks can access the variable, instead of the variable being visible to
all the functions in the scope it was declared in.
In the example below a key is loaded (or created) at runtime and then used from two tasks that run at different priorities.
fn main() {
//! examples/
extern crate panic_semihosting;
use cortex_m_semihosting::{debug, hprintln};
use lm3s6965::Interrupt;
#[rtfm::app(device = lm3s6965)]
const APP: () = {
static KEY: u32 = ();
fn init(_: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
init::LateResources { KEY: 0xdeadbeef }
#[interrupt(resources = [KEY])]
fn UART0(c: UART0::Context) {
hprintln!("UART0(KEY = {:#x})", c.resources.KEY).unwrap();
#[interrupt(priority = 2, resources = [KEY])]
fn UART1(c: UART1::Context) {
hprintln!("UART1(KEY = {:#x})", c.resources.KEY).unwrap();
$ cargo run --example static
UART1(KEY = 0xdeadbeef)
UART0(KEY = 0xdeadbeef)