
In RTFM, tasks handlers are not reentrant. Reentering a task handler can break Rust aliasing rules and lead to undefined behavior. A task handler can be reentered in one of two ways: in software or by hardware.

In software

To reenter a task handler in software its underlying interrupt handler must be invoked using FFI (see example below). FFI requires unsafe code so end users are discouraged from directly invoking an interrupt handler.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
#[rtfm::app(device = ..)]
const APP: () = {
    static mut X: u64 = 0;

    fn init(c: init::Context) { .. }

    #[interrupt(binds = UART0, resources = [X])]
    fn foo(c: foo::Context) {
        let x: &mut u64 = c.resources.X;

        *x = 1;

        //~ `bar` can preempt `foo` at this point

        *x = 2;

        if *x == 2 {
            // something

    #[interrupt(binds = UART1, priority = 2)]
    fn bar(c: foo::Context) {
        extern "C" {
            fn UART0();

        // this interrupt handler will invoke task handler `foo` resulting
        // in mutable aliasing of the static variable `X`
        unsafe { UART0() }

The RTFM framework must generate the interrupt handler code that calls the user defined task handlers. We are careful in making these handlers unsafe and / or impossible to call from user code.

The above example expands into:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn foo(c: foo::Context) {
    // .. user code ..

fn bar(c: bar::Context) {
    // .. user code ..

const APP: () = {
    // everything in this block is not visible to user code

    unsafe fn USART0() {

    unsafe fn USART1() {

By hardware

A task handler can also be reentered without software intervention. This can occur if the same handler is assigned to two or more interrupts in the vector table but there's no syntax for this kind of configuration in the RTFM framework.